Have been watching 'Home Minister' on Zee marathi off late. Just when I started getting a feel that the show was getting obvious and predictable, the format of the 'game-show' was changed by Adesh Bandekar and company. Though I am not very impressed by the latest format, it's surely better than the earlier shows. Not long ago, Vainys had to touch some piece of article in the house, blind folded (one Vainy had to turn on the water tap:-)!!). Now, Bandekar has come up with an additional prize. That's appreciable. Kudos. The way, Bandekar says 'wish karo Dish karo' is; I guess wrong. From what I have heard in Shaharukh's ads, it is 'Thoda aur wish karo.. Dish karo'.
In yesterday's show he took a little time off from the regular drill, to appreciate the innocence with which Vainy accepted that she is bhandkhor.. That was really good from Adesh. But one thing that doesn't go well with me of him is, he repeats what is said by Vainy or husband as a question. Like for example, he asks Vainy, how the marriage happened. She replies : Hyanchya mitrane jamavala. Then he repeats the same line as if he is asking a question expecting all to laugh. (And people around them literally laugh!!) That doesn't really sound good. It is not humorous at all. In fact, it is sometimes insulting to the hosts! So, probably, there is something for him to work on. Also, to decide the winner of dish tv, Bandekar asks a question : 'what is the wish of husband'. Now, the couples don't have to learn rocket science to decide in advance as to what would be 'the winning' wish among themselves. From then on, its all a matter of raising the hand faster. Instead, he could probably ask, wish related questions (after getting to know the true wish from Husband) like : what is husband's career / tourism / property related wish and so on.. That'll make the contest more interesting. Anyways, hopefully, he touches every single village, town, city of Maharshtra soon.
Have been watching 'Home Minister' on Zee marathi off late. Just when I started getting a feel that the show was getting obvious and predictable, the format of the 'game-show' was changed by Adesh Bandekar and company. Though I am not very impressed by the latest format, it's surely better than the earlier shows. Not long ago, Vainys had to touch some piece of article in the house, blind folded (one Vainy had to turn on the water tap:-)!!). Now, Bandekar has come up with an additional prize. That's appreciable. Kudos. The way, Bandekar says 'wish karo Dish karo' is; I guess wrong. From what I have heard in Shaharukh's ads, it is 'Thoda aur wish karo.. Dish karo'.
In yesterday's show he took a little time off from the regular drill, to appreciate the innocence with which Vainy accepted that she is bhandkhor.. That was really good from Adesh. But one thing that doesn't go well with me of him is, he repeats what is said by Vainy or husband as a question. Like for example, he asks Vainy, how the marriage happened. She replies : Hyanchya mitrane jamavala. Then he repeats the same line as if he is asking a question expecting all to laugh. (And people around them literally laugh!!) That doesn't really sound good. It is not humorous at all. In fact, it is sometimes insulting to the hosts! So, probably, there is something for him to work on. Also, to decide the winner of dish tv, Bandekar asks a question : 'what is the wish of husband'. Now, the couples don't have to learn rocket science to decide in advance as to what would be 'the winning' wish among themselves. From then on, its all a matter of raising the hand faster. Instead, he could probably ask, wish related questions (after getting to know the true wish from Husband) like : what is husband's career / tourism / property related wish and so on.. That'll make the contest more interesting. Anyways, hopefully, he touches every single village, town, city of Maharshtra soon.
Lame,very Lame.The show is obnoxious and AAdesh bandekar is a rump.you suck!
ReplyDeleteHey your Blog is Good!!